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    1. Thanks Chirsty! The whole event was pretty cool, and some of the bands really knocked our socks off. (Admiral Follow as my favorite!)

    1. They are still going strong (well, not AS strong, but touring a lot). And now, they are even following us on Twitter – woo hoo! 🙂

  1. Amazing people pics. that belong in People’s magazine. I agree a wonderful read. The smelly guy ???? don’t know about him.

  2. LOL! Oh the memories of ‘O2’, thankfully he wasn’t the highlight. Pics are fantastic…well done, you really captured the spirit of the day! Looking forward to more posts,
    love your saviours,
    Gem & Dave!!

  3. I find it very amusing that naughty by nature are playing a festival called castlepalooza in Ireland 🙂 Sorry about the obnoxious drunk, but looks like a great time otherwise!

  4. What an interesting eclectic mix of everything. I never would’ve expected this from something called a “Castlepalooza,” in rural Ireland, no less. Alas, I might just be the first one rolled out of there as it seems, I can no longer party as I used to.

    1. Ha – me neither! Which is why we chose not to camp, I don’t think i could have taken three nights of the mess we saw around us! 🙂

  5. I love festivals and all the people watching. Too bad I am going to miss Hempfest here in Seattle next week – that would be good for people watching 🙂

    1. Oooh yes – that would be! We love them so much – just lined up another one in Germany for next month. We could easily spend all our time in Europe going to festivals!

    1. Definitely try Admiral Follow and Dry The River. Two of our faves! Oh, and now we’ve been listening to a lot of The Smiths since then too! 🙂

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