The Dark Hedges - Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges

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Words by Dalene Heck / Photography by Pete Heck

Β The Dark Hedges – Northern Ireland

People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed
only if there is a light from within.

~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

The Dark Hedges - Northern Ireland

After a day of dodging large groups of tourists, we went on the hunt for the The Dark Hedges in Northern Ireland.  It took some searching and the help of generous strangers to find them, but it was worth every effort. It was one of those breathless, perfect travel moments when we found serenity in a magical, fairy-tale setting.

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    1. Hi Christy, Thanks, it took some time to find, but with the help of 3 different people we finally made and were blown away. Yes, is it HDR and then I did an overlay on the original photo.

  1. Oh my gosh. I love those “this is why I travel” moments. They remind me of a poem by Elizabeth Bishop that I think you would like, she even has a line about these trees, I think!

    “But surely it would have been a pity
    not to have seen the trees along this road,
    really exaggerated in their beauty,
    not to have seen them gesturing
    like noble pantomimists, robed in pink.”

  2. it’s always so much fun playing with new techniques, but I do love your non-HDR pictures! That quote is absolutely beautiful.

    1. Thanks Abby! Seeing as we just upgraded our camera before coming to Ireland, we’re having all kinds of fun with new photo types! And I LOVE that quote too…it totally stood out to both of us when we were looking for something to go with the picture…

    1. Hi Reena. Thank you. I am actually not planning on posting anymore photos on it. I thought of possibly doing a B&W but changed my mind as I thought the one image was pretty powerful with the quote that we found. You can find more of our photos of Ireland here though –>

  3. Great quote and amazing photo!! I love how the trees have the perfect amount of side light to give them separation. Wonderful!

  4. Beautiful Shot – I actually had to give it a second and third glance as I thought it was a painting! Great job…. I might need a tutorial from you!
    DD xoxo

  5. Amazing shot indeed. This place just inspires good photos. Did you know it’s a location in the HBO series Game of Thrones? (I’m just posting my own pics of it on my blog today.)

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