Scenes From Poland - Excerpt

Scenes From Poland, Part Three

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Words by Dalene Heck / Photography by Pete Heck

There is a big rivalry between Warsaw and Krakow, the two largest cities in Poland, which we heard about almost immediately upon visiting. And we heard it so often that we became nervous when locals asked which we liked better.

We had to be cagey – we either declared admiration for both or changed the subject for fear of hurting feelings.

Krakow Market Square

Now that we’ve left Poland and are hiding behind this here computer screen, we can safely acknowledge our preference, although will admit it is by a slim margin. The two cities are vastly different in appearance and vibe, and for whatever reason, we just felt more at home in Warsaw.

That is not to say that Krakow is unworthy of high praise. It is certainly beautiful, vibrant, and undeniably full of character.

You know what? We’ll let you see for yourself. Watch our “Scenes from Krakow” below, and if you missed our previous video on Warsaw, you can check it out here.

If you are unable to see the video in your email or RSS reader, please click here.


Can’t get enough coverage about Poland? I recently did a guest post for Travel Underwriters that gives five very good reasons to get on the next plane!

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  1. Love the video. Such a great overview and beautiful imagery of course. I never knew there was such a rivalry! Thanks for the heads up, ha.

  2. I know I’ve already said this on other posts of yours, but the more you write about Poland, there more I really really want to go.

    I’m seriously considering a week in Poland once I’m done in the Greek Islands next month… expect an e-mail from me once you get back from Greenland!

  3. This video is really great. My girlfriend and I are soon leaving on our own journey, can I ask what tools you guys use to make your videos?

    1. We have mainly used our DSLR for our Poland videos, but do also use our Galaxy S3 and GoPro when the situation calls for it. I use Final Cut Pro X to edit.

  4. Fantastic visual storytelling! I think that I just fell in love with Krakow! What a vibrant, vivacious and creative city – and so absolutely gorgeous! I feel as though my wanderlust has been both quenched and whetted!

  5. Just arrived today… lovely city… feels like a great sister city to the charms of Prague… I just wish the sun would come out!! :-p

  6. Thanks for your post, but I think you should explore and visit more
    Polish destination, secret and historical, which will help to get full picture of this country .
    I would recommend one castle, which still have a non-touristy orientation,but it is interesting to get to know about it – Niemodlin Castle (Poland). Find the breathtaking history in the main website.

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